I’ve been checking out all different types of blogs lately, and for whatever reason, I have managed to skate across a lot of mom blogs…too many in fact. It has actually started to make me (and my ovaries!) feel the pressure to catch up with all the moms out there. While I can certainly appreciate these mommy write-ups, I’m not quite there yet. I’m engaged to a wonderful man, and I am most certainly looking forward to our journeys through parenthood together. As I continue to enjoy my happy hours with the ladies, my two beautiful bull mastiffs, and my last couple months as a single woman today’s blog find is a real gem: a blog by a confident, 32-year-old woman named Andrea who’s single, with NO kids, a potty mouth, and a cat.
Crazy with a Side of Awesome Sauce (I think the title is the best part!) hosts a writer/photographer/dancer who is a hippie at heart, a “jacqueline of all trades,” and not afraid to show her crazy side. She says, “Well, aren’t we ALL crazy, dollface? I think once we all admit our own insanity, life gets a hellofa lot better. Mmhmm. I’m the adopted daughter of a drug addict narcissist and I anesthetize with a neurotic need for organization bordering on OCD. I’ve got a mouth like a sailor on death row. And just for kicks I behave completely batshit. It’s a hoot. Or maybe I’m actually insane. Stick around and see!”
The way I see it, any woman who can admit she is crazy has a good sense of humor, a pretty down-to-earth perspective on life, and doesn’t take herself (or life) too seriously. I’m in complete agreement that all bitches are nuts, some just hide it better than others.
Andrea’s blog consists of some of her gorgeous photography, random rambles, and updates about her life. I think my favorite post is her write-up about the Women Who Do It For Her. Here, she lists the women she wouldn’t kick out of bed. While she doesn’t believe in labels, she admits to having dated women, but that she is mostly interested in men. Unless, it is the perfect combo in a female that draws her to the other side.
I can appreciate this post, and many of her posts for a couple of reasons. One, she accepts who she is and where she’s been. She isn’t looking to appease anyone and she is happy with herself. Two, a lot of people are so wrapped up with political correctness that they are bashful at times about their true feelings. They don’t want to offend or take the road less traveled. Sometimes, it’s easier to blend in and keep quiet. But it is women like Andrea who symbolize authenticity, truth, and inner beauty; and they prove that it is OKAY to be sexual, it’s okay to keep it real, even if people are going to judge. I am a firm believer that no matter what, you should be proud of the person you are. And if you have the balls (or in this case, lady parts) to share your realness with the world, well then you are pretty friggin’ awesome. And, hopefully, your stories can inspire others to do the same.